Email List

« Maintaining the Twelfth Tradition in email

Houston Area SAA Intergroup would like to keep you up to date with the happenings in our community. In an effort to provide you with a means of staying plugged into the SAA Fellowship, we are inviting you to join the Houston SAA email list.

The real benefit is to give you a forum to communicate directly with Houston Area SAA Intergroup Board and Committee Members, give feedback, ask questions and offer suggestions about the SAA program of recovery.

Be assured that you will only receive a minimum number of messages such as SAA­related announcements about upcoming events or important last minute notices that directly affect the fellowship.

Also, know that your information is limited to only first name, last name initial and email. No other information will be securely stored. Plus your information will NEVER be shared with anyone for any reason. A copy of our Privacy Policy is available for your review and you may easily unsubscribe at any time.

To be added to the Houston SAA email list simply email Be sure to include your first name, last name initial and email address.